jkheneghan.com - /city/meetings/2009/Feb/

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2/5/2009 10:23 PM 168857 02092009_Agenda for Council Meeting.pdf
2/10/2009 12:18 AM 45066368 02092009_audio.mp3
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 85327 02092009_City Council Minutes 02 03 09.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 175467 02092009_City Council Minutes 12 18 08.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 59795 02092009_City Council Planning Workshop Minutes 01 20 09.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 787014 02092009_First Read Ordinance Chapter 20 Public Assemblages.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 70380 02092009_Oath of Office Hugh R. Powell, Jr..pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 72267 02092009_Oath of Office J. Antonio DelCampo.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 69498 02092009_Oath of Office Timothy W. Wolfe.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 784098 02092009_Ordinance Granting Atlanta Gas Light Franchise Agreement.pdf
2/5/2009 10:23 PM 147940 02092009_Work Session Agenda.pdf
2/11/2009 9:28 PM 1173574 02112009_Dunwoody_SitePlansVOIP_Network.pdf
2/11/2009 9:28 PM 103605 02112009_RFQ_Cisco_VOIP_Addendum1.pdf
2/11/2009 9:28 PM 15531 02112009_RFQ_Cisco_VOIP_Addendum2.pdf
2/11/2009 9:29 PM 114481 02112009_RFQforCiscoVOIP_RFQ09-321.pdf
2/17/2009 10:39 PM 82414 02162009_ Award of Contract (VOIP) Solution.pdf
2/13/2009 12:31 AM 71680 02162009_Agenda Special Called Voting Meeting.doc
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 120350 02162009_Agenda_Specia_Work_Session.pdf
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 111947 02162009_Amendment to Chapter 23 Creating Street Light Districts.pdf
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 255244 02162009_Boyken Status Report.pdf
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 877875 02162009_Chapter 30 - Public Assemblages.pdf
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 126191 02162009_City Implementation Update.pdf
2/13/2009 12:12 AM 114879 02162009_Code Compliance Staffing.pdf
2/13/2009 12:13 AM 2959250 02162009_Consultant Selection for Comprehensive Plan.pdf
2/13/2009 12:14 AM 1811064 02162009_First Read Ordinance for Right of Way Exchange.pdf
2/13/2009 12:14 AM 388455 02162009_Franchise Agreement to Atlanta Gas Light.pdf
2/13/2009 12:14 AM 233424 02162009_Modification_Chapter 9 - Ethics.pdf
2/13/2009 12:14 AM 563988 02162009_MOU_with Georgia Dept. of Transportation.pdf
2/23/2009 10:42 PM 350720 02162009_SandySprings_Police_Report.doc
2/13/2009 12:14 AM 488846 02162009_Street Light District for Boxwood Place.pdf
2/23/2009 11:06 PM 148971 02232009_AgendaforCouncilMeeting.pdf
2/23/2009 11:06 PM 706362 02232009_Chapter 20 Assemblages in Public Places.pdf
2/23/2009 11:06 PM 147130 02232009_CityCouncilMeetingMinutes012609.pdf
2/23/2009 11:07 PM 2788123 02232009_Contract to Retain POND & Co.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 1546113 02232009_Financial Report for January 2009.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 869285 02232009_First Read Ordinance to Amend Fiscal Year 2009 Budget.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 206716 02232009_GMASupplementalLease.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 144174 02232009_Initiate Amendment for Farmers Market.pdf
3/20/2009 10:31 PM 146932 02232009_Meeting Minutes.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 63377 02232009_Ordinance Amending Chapter 23.pdf
2/23/2009 11:08 PM 372974 02232009_Ordinance to Grant Atlanta Gas Light Franchise Agreement.pdf
2/23/2009 11:09 PM 2491055 02232009_Ordinance to Grant Comcast Franchise Agreement.pdf
2/23/2009 11:40 PM 244396 02232009_P-Card Manual.pdf
2/23/2009 11:09 PM 627711 02232009_Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding.pdf
2/23/2009 11:09 PM 872649 02232009_Resolution Establishing Street Light District on Boxwood.pdf
2/23/2009 11:11 PM 5977388 02232009_Resolution to Adopt Purchasing Policy.pdf
2/23/2009 11:11 PM 116535 02232009_WorkSessionMinutes020909.pdf
2/12/2009 12:27 AM 965632 2006_DeKalb_Bond_Fund_SummaryRevised(2).xls
2/2/2009 10:09 PM 97297 Agenda_020309.pdf
3/6/2009 9:25 PM 1375122 CityofDunwoodyVOIPandNetwork09-301.pdf
3/6/2009 9:25 PM 145614 PlanningCommissionMeetingSchedule2009.pdf